Looking for inspiration for the winter season? Visit the Royal FloraHolland Winter Fair in Aalsmeer on January 10 and 11, 2024. During this trade fair, growers of house and garden plants present their offerings. Seasonal products for the winter in particular are...

Winter Fair Aalsmeer – 10&11 januari

Inspiratie opdoen voor het winterseizoen? Bezoek dan op 10 en 11 januari 2024 de Royal FloraHolland Winter Fair in Aalsmeer. Tijdens deze handelsbeurs presenteren kwekers van kamer- en tuinplanten hun aanbod. Met name seizoensproducten voor de winter staan centraal. U...


How nice is that… our Martagon lilies are mentioned as one of the 7 concepts that are gaining ground. We displayed them in our stand at Plantarium in Boskoop. Next year we will market this under the Bendy Series. The varieties from the Bendy Series vary in color...

artikel in Greenity vakblad

Hoe leuk is dat…..onze Martagon lelies worden genoemd als 1 van de 7 concepten die terrein winnen. Ze waren te zien in onze stand op Plantarium in Boskoop. Volgend jaar zullen wij deze op de markt brengen onder de Bendy Serie. De rassen uit de Bendy Serie...
Sustainable Tuesday – September 5

Sustainable Tuesday – September 5

There is an increasing realization that we have to be sustainable in order to make it as pleasant as possible for everyone in the world. The growers of your flowers and plants are also very conscious of this. How do we do that? We explain it below. We use our energy...